Sunday, February 15, 2009

First blog...

Hey! I'm the "Littlest Mermaid". And this is my blog!

I have stumbled across quite a few very good blogs recently and I thought, why not give it a try? So this blog will be used to rant about things I deem worthy to rant about, it will be used to obsess over different things worth obsessing about, and perhaps just other little random tidbits and stuff will be posted here as well. Let me know what you think!

Ok. So I just decided (literally) that everytime I post there will be a random photo and an explanation for it. As long as it can be explained. This photo here (down) is from Beauty and the Beast. I watched it for the first time in about 5 years the other day, and my sister and I laughed through the whole thing. I love the movie, but there were some things we had never found funny before that we found funny now. One of those things, was the "Gaston" scene, particularly when Gaston sings "I use antlers in all of my decorating," and points his toe like a ballerina. Another funny bit was when he mentions eating 5 DOZEN eggs a day. Who could realisticly do that? SERIOUSLY, how many calories would that be? Insane. And he'll probably have serious cholesterol problems when he gets older. Oh wait, he doesn't. He dies.

Meet my little friend Squirt. This is a pendant/charm I found at Hobby Lobby a few weeks ago and it is so dang cute! I LOVE Finding Nemo so it's perfect for me. He reminds me of Crush's "offspring". They're only about $1.49. He rocks. Go buy one! And then tell me!

Honestly, who gets a room like this! <<<<<<<<<< I guess she's earned it though... but I want it so bad!

Alright so that concludes my first "blog". I don't know if it actually counts as a blog, but who cares. I like it and I like randomness. So if you come here, that's what you'll get! Ok, see yas!

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